The apps better and better every update, but I doubt about why theres no "Read the Article in Another Language" in Khmer as I search Cambodia in English and nope, while the article in every language I can switch but I dont see Khmer language. Can you do it for us please,then it would be more pleasure to use this app. Also ability to play audios in every article like unofficial Wiki apps do.
Wikipedia App Reviews
Enjoy opening articles from browser
I like how opening articles in your Web browser forwards you to the app. I enjoy that feature and wish more companies did this.
This thing we all know and cannot get through a day without needing it is named WIKIPEDIA. Its now a staple in most peoples lives who utilize the internet. I know personally I use it once or twice daily. If I need an information fix I may use it for hours simply reading extremely well done article after article. Once you get started using Wikipedia you too will see the high standards to which they hold themselves. From one of if not the longest article on Wikipedia, The line of succession to The British Throne to a dainty stub article and everything between is 110% Fascinating. They just have a way of making it all interesting. Lastly, most everything on the internet has been reduced to an app or application. Well, Wikipedia is by no means an app. In my opinion there is no pigeon hole one can fit Wikipedia into. Its an entity standing on its own. Its own merit, professionalism, high standards, non-biased writing style, its truth in sharing information via all information must be referenced. Can you tell I hold Wikipedia in high regard? Give em a whirl? WHY? WHYNOT?
What happened?!!!
You ruined a perfectly good app with your last update.
Doesnt work
Doesnt want to open an app! It crashes
Why did they change it????
This used to be a great app; youd look up something and have easy access to the sections of the article. The app would also open and show you the main page of Wikipedia, just as in a browser. So what changed? Someone had the idiotic idea to make "suggested articles" a thing. As anyone knows, you constantly use Wikipedia to look up random things. Now the app suggests other articles based on these things, and the main page is basically impossible to find. For example, I looked up The Odessa Steps. Now I cant find the main page, since my feed is clogged with articles about Ukrainian landmarks! Hey Wikipedia, just because someone looks something up doesnt mean they want to read every single related article!!!
Crashes instantly
App crashes instantly upon startup every single time.
The worst update ever
Please tell me how to un-update from this terrible new app. I found it so confusing and unintuitive that I deleted it. What were they thinking. An obvious attempt to more like Facebook.
If you forget your password you have to log in with a new account. There is no way to recover or change your password.
Tremendous design and professional ux&ui
But it only need (find in page) feature.
Hate it! Nothing more to add...
Why fix what aint broke?
No Chinese Simplified!
Im very uncomfortable with reading traditional Chinese characters, either the web version is also same problem! And there is a lot more people use Simplified than traditional!
Image problems
Just about every article I read has random pictures that arent related the article at all. For example, the Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor page has a picture of a waterphone as its header. Very annoying.
A bit buggy with a HORRIBLE bug report system
App can crash when accessing certain pages. The app remembers the last page accessed, so attempts to reopen the app only result in crashes. You have to follow a Wikipedia link from a webpage to some other article that will open the app and break the loop. (If you really want to crash your app, go ahead and use it to look up satellite flare. Dont say you werent warned.) Reporting a serious bug like this is nearly impossible. Wikimedia has its own convoluted system for such things that isnt even built into the app itself. I only managed to find HOW they wanted the bug info presented, not where to submit it. I dont have time to jump through hoops. So, unless some Wiki-savvy guru hits the same bug I found, its unlikely to be fixed.
App will not open
App will not open
One word excellent!
Cant be better
I love searching and reading with the app. It makes me love my cellphone!
More enjoyable than the site
Skeptical at first but this really grew on me. Much cleaner layout than than a mobile web page. The main page is now readable on a phone with some added things for mobile such as articles near me. Another added advantage of an app is less battery use & data consumption as well. The cache works when you have internet drops. Editing is there as well. The navigation is a tad strange; back only. Give it a whirl & comment!
Good app, but not without hiccups
Lowered this from 4 stars to 2 .... as the current version (5.02) will crash on certain articles permanently. Even restarts wont fix the problem. Usability has been nearly annihilated at this point.
Love Wikipedia - love this app!
I love that this is a peoples app - for the people by the people and very generous developer. Thank you!
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